
EST 1917

Mowrer Secures Release of Jewish Journalist by Bargain with Nazis

August 10, 1933
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Edgar Ansell Mowrer, Berlin correspondent of the Chicago Daily News and president of the Foreign Correspondents Association here, has resigned from his post in order to secure the freedom from prison of Dr. Paul Goldmann, sixty-eight-year-old Jewish correspondent of the Vienna Neue Freie Presse, who had been held for “high treason.”

Mr. Mowrer had been in high disfavor with the Nazi authorities ever since their advent to power because of his unsparing criticism of Hitlerism and one of their first efforts was directed toward securing his removal from his post as representative of the foreign press group.

The association interceded with the authorities to secure Dr. Goldmann’s freedom, which was finally granted after Mr. Mowrer offered to resign. Mr. Mowrer is shortly to leave Berlin to assume new duties with the Chicago Daily News at Tokio.

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