
EST 1917

Al Smith, Macdonald Half-jews, Fresh News from Silver Shirt Front

June 11, 1933
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Liberation, a weekly magazine published in Asheville, N. C., in its May 27 edition “exposes” the Jewish control of international finances and President Roosevelt’s “Jewishly Heralded” new deal as an effort to drain American funds into the laps of “public enemies”, portrayed as Jewish political leaders in England.

Liberation is the weekly journal of the “Silver Shirts of America”, a miniature replica of the Fascist and Nazi groups of Europe, with a slight touch of the Ku Klux Klan. The periodical and Silver Shirts are offshoots of the Foundation for Christian Economics, Inc. The editor, William Dudley Pelley, is listed in Who’s Who as a Protestant and Republican, which may explain the journal’s attitude against the Democratic administration.

It asserts that “if Franklin D. Rooseyelt had not been acquiescent to (German-Jewish) alien money kings and their satraps from abroad he never would have gotten a smell of the New York governorship—where a Jew, Lehmann, now sits enthroned in his place, just as the half-Jew, Alfred Schmidt, popularly known as Al Smith, sat before him.”


Three full pages of the Congressional Record, embracing a speech by “that sterling patriot, Louis T. McFadden”, are reprinted in Liberation, in which the President is attacked for assuming a dictatorship which enables him to “cancel was debts by fraud—and to internationalize this country and to destroy our Constitution itself in order to keep the Federal Reserve Board and Federal Reserve Banks intact as a money-saving institution for foreigners.” It was for making this speech that Mr. MacFadden was reprimanded on the floor of the House by Majority Leader Byrnes of Tennessee more than a week ago.

McFadden mentioned Great Britain as putting a bailiff in the United States Treasury, who made invento### our assets with the connivance and consent of Franklin D. Roosevelt. In italics, Liberation explains that Representative McFadden “by no means meant the English people”. Rather, Liberation proclaims this the dirty work of “a group of high financiers, whose families are for the most part of German-Jewish origin and who have assumed control of political and financial power in Merrie England and who are making Great Britain play the part of Shylock toward the United States”.


Liberation states that the Monds, Sassoons, and Rufus Isaacs dominate the British Empire, own its newspapers, control its elections, and direct the affairs of the Bank of England. The publication asserts that “Mr. Ramsay MacDonald is responsibly alleged to have had a Jewish mother, making him a half-Jew.” MacDonald’s closest confidential secretary, the magazine reveals, is one Rose Rosenberg, “an arrogant little Jewess who openly brags that she runs the British Empire”.

Says Liberation: “Rose, according to under-cover agents, is the official representative—we might even say spy—for the international organization of Ash’kanazim Hebrews, whose headquarters have been in Germany before the Hitler ousting”.

According to Liberation, Stanley Baldwin’s “shadow”, Goldringham, was intimately connected with Arcos, the British-Soviet Amtorg, and Sr. Philip Sassoon was the “secretary” the quotes are Liberation’s) for Lloyd George during his service as prime minister.


Liberation says: “The British Cabinet contained and contains such outstanding members of Ash’kanazim Jewry as Lord Reading—real name, Rufus Isaacs; and Lord Montagu—Edward Samuel Montagu.

After a detailed discussion of the genealogy of Jewish political figures in Great Britain, the editor quickly shifts the scenes to this side of the Atlantic. After briefly reviewing the “dubious practices” of former President Hoover, our citizens are quoted as crying despairingly, “But is there no one we can trust? Are all men in public life ‘sold out’ to those Jewish Internationalists”?

In response, Liberation gives a “thunderous ‘Yes’,” (presumably to the first plaintive question). But with Jewish control of press, radio, and the cinema, it will be hard to find these leaders, it states. The magazine sees new support being given the Silver Shirt movement “to split a hardwood block here exactly as Hitler has split it in Germany”.

And, to quote further from Liberation:

“Again we say, there is neither rancor nor race prejudice in the battlecry of the Silver Shirt Christian Militia: ‘America for its Christian Americans!’ Our forefathers founded this nation. It is our homeland. We have fought for it. We love it. It happens to be a Christian country, even if only nominally. We intend it shall continue as such, and no predatory Asiatic horde from overseas shall first bankrupt us, and then treat us contemptuously in our own treasure house.

“But there can be no rebirth until America, like Germany, has undergone its bath of soapsuds.”

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