
EST 1917

League of Nations Should Be Asked to Revise British Mandates to Enable Mandated Territories to Be in

March 31, 1932
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The Committee of the British Empire League has adopted a number of resolutions on the subject of Imperial Preference, which have been submitted to the Prime Minister, the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, and the Secretary of State for the Colonies, urging that early consideration be given to the matters covered by the resolutions with a view to the removal of obstacles which at present stand in the way of arriving at the fullest possible realisation of the policy of Empire development, thus facilitating the work of the forthcoming Imperial Economic Conference at Ottawa.

Among the resolutions are the following:

“That the British Empire League requests the Imperial Government to consider the advisability of urging the League of Nations to revise mandates under which Great Britain and the Dominions control certain mandated territories, in such a way as to enable such territories to give preferences to certain British countries and thus remove present obstacles to the fullest development of those territories.”

“That the British Empire League requests that the most-favoured-nation clause and certain international treaty restrictions should be examined with a view to modification so as to give a free hand to all Empire countries, to grant preferences by reciprocal commercial agreements, or in any other way with each other, or with certain foreign countries”.

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