
EST 1917

Lord Rothermere Attacking Jews Advises Hitler to Eliminate Anti-semitism from Program

October 5, 1930
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Advising Adolf Hitler, leader of the German Fascists, to follow the example of the founder of Fascism and eliminate anti-Semitism from program because “Jew-baiting is a stupid survival of mediæval prejudice.” Viscount Rothermere, publisher of the Daily Mail and sponsor of universal Fascism “as an antidote to Bolshevism” attacks British Jewry and the Jews throughout the world in a long signed article in yesterday’s Daily Mail. This article is considered to be the definition of the attitude of British Fascists toward the Jewish question.

In a previous article, favoring the National Socialists, published immediately after the Hitlerites’ election victory, Viscount Rothermere carefully avoided any mention of the National Socialists’ anti-Semitism, which led Edgar Wallace to comment in the Daily Mail that Viscount Rothermere disagrees with the National Socialists on this point. The sharply worded criticism levelled against Viscount Rothermere by the German Democratic press and the entire English press, which generally does not treat him very seriously so fas as politics are concerned, led him to publish this second article on the Hitlerites in the course of which he attacked the Jews.

He said, “I freely admit that the Jewish race has shown conspicuous political unwisdom since the War. Prominent British Jews have brought great unpopularity upon their community because of clamorous persistence in pressing for maintenance, at the expense of the hard-driven taxpayers, of the Jewish National Home in Palestine, which no Jews above the charity line want at all.

“Those on the inside of public affairs feel furthermore a good deal of resentment against the activities of wealthy Jewish individuals and organizations who try by every means—financial, social, political and personal—to influence British Government Departments and members of parliament for ends serviceable to Jewish interests.

“Tactlessness always has been one of the outstanding defects of the children of Israel. British Jews do not err in this respect nearly as much as their kinsmen of the Continent. Nevertheless, they would do well to remember that the fact of leadership of the Bolshevist campaign against civilization and religion being almost entirely in the hands of men of their blood has done inevitable and incalculable harm to the reputation of the Hebrew race in every country of its adoption.”

Viscount Rothermere’s article has created a storm in Anglo-Jewish circles because his advice to the Hitlerites to eliminate anti-Semitism from their program is believed to be more than overbalanced by his vigorous attack on British Jewry. While the Daily Mail was known as not very friendly to the Jews such an outspoken attack was entirely unexpected.

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