
EST 1917

Mighty Movement of Protest Against Palestine Outrages Spreads Throughout U.S.

August 29, 1929
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The movement of protest against the Palestine outrages and the attitude of the Palestine government in the present unparalleled tragedy, is spreading throughout the United Staes, enlisting the sympathy and cooperation of Jews of all shades of opinion, as well as non-Jews.

Extensive arrangements have been made for the holding of a monster mass meeting tonight under the auspices of the Zionist Organization of America, at the 71st Regiment Armory, Park Avenue and 34th Street, New York.

Senator William E. Borah, chairman of the United States Senate Foreign Relations Committe, announced yesterday at Washington that he has accepted the request of the Zionist Organization to address the mass meeting. Other speakers at the meeting will be Samuel Untermyer, who will preside; Rabbi M. S. Margolies, dean of the Orthodox Rabbinate in the United States; Col. Herbert H. Lehman, Lieutenant-Governor of the State of New York; Mayor Walker, Rabbi Samuel Shulman, and others.

The New York Orthodox Rabbinate, through its official body, issued a call to all synagogues to recite designated chapters of the Book of Psalms and the Selichoth (prayers of invocation, recited traditionally in times of emergency and extreme danger) every day during the afternoon services “until the Palestine Jewry is out of danger.”

The Jewish press of New York, commenting editorially on the continuous bloodshed, applies to the events the term “the Third Destruction.” The “Jewish Daily Forward,” Socialist organ, writing under the headline, “The Third Destruction,” declares that “among the mourners of the Churban must be all who feel themselves to be Jews, regardless of political, social or national views.”

While the entire American press takes a strongly pro-Jewish, sympathetic stand, the Communist press, including the Yiddish daily “Freiheit” and the “Daily Worker,” attempt to present the events as a revolutionary uprising of the “oppressed Arab toiling masses against the exploitation of the Zionists and the British imperialists.” These organs of the Communist agitators attempt to blame the Jews for the Palestine events.

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