
EST 1917

Rabbi Finkel, Former Head of Slobodka Yeshiva, Dies

March 1, 1927
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

(Jewish Telegraphic Agency Mail Service)

Rabbi Nathan Zvi Finkel, head of the Yeshivah at Hebron, and formerly head of the Yeshivah of Slobodka in Lithuania, died here last night at the age of eighty.

Rabbi Finkel was the founder of the Yeshivah at Telz. He went to Slobodka, where together with Rabbi Israel Salanter, he erected the Yeshivah “Keneseth Israel”, and was its head for over 45 years.

About a year ago, when a section of the Slobodka Yeshivah was transferred to Hebron, Rabbi Finkel settled in Hebron.

Old “blue laws”, invoked in South Carolina resulted in the arrest of golfers in Greenville as they went to the links in the face of Gov. Richard’s orders to officers to be on the alert for such violations.

It was the State’s second “blue” Sabbath and was more general in its effect than the first. Drug stores in principal cities either were closed or catered solely to those purchasing medicines, while no gasoline filling stations were reported operating.

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